With Eyes of Faith (Please Read Post First)

Over a year ago, with timidity and indecisiveness, facebook became part of my life. During this time what has fascinated me is how I have linked up with a younger generation. Several on my friend list are not Christ followers, and they are from another generation, which is awesome. Facebook has given me an opportunity to pray for each of them, and experience a few aspects of their daily life. Without my facebook connections I would not be in contact with them.

On one friends page was posted this youtube video titled, "Sasquatch music festival 2009 - Guy starts dance party." I am posting this to my blog with hesitation, but it is interesting to watch with the eyes of faith.

One guy starts dancing, and within three minutes the whole festival turned into a dance feast. The song lyrics as I could understand them go something like this: “I have a faith unstoppable, I have faith unstoppable.” This video has me wondering if there something wrong with this whole picture?

If one very strange guy can get up at a music festival, be completely goofy and out of place then start a dance revival within three minutes, why couldn’t we as believers do the same thing and what would that look like?

"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." Acts 4:31

To be bold in Christ living out our faith, being filled with the Holy Spirit, how unstoppable could we be?

Questions I asked myself: Am I willing to be goofy and out of place to start of Holy Spirit revival? Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone to touch others in their journey, even if it is in places like face book, sports, etc...?

Love to you all,

P.S I wish I could say this was a Christian concert!


Jody Hedlund said…
What an interesting phenomenon. It shows that we live in a culture that is easily led, for both good and bad. As believers, we ought to strive to be the leaders, not the followers.
Robin said…
Absolutely! Even in the midst of a crazy culture we need stand firm, not swaying or comprising our faith.

Jody thanks for your insight...
Cynthia said…

When my oldest three left home, Facebook became not only my link to them but also to their friends. Most are not believers and I am always so honored to get private messages wanting my advice or prayers. And, like you, I get many videos I would never have clicked on!

For me it is my age that has freed me to be goofey for God...

This was a great post!
Robin said…
Twofinches thanks for the compliment. I pray when I am 80, I will still take the time to enter into a younger generations culture with curiosity and wonder.

You are right our age has freed us to be goofy!

Thanks ladies for your comments.
Sarah said…
Delighted to meet you! Just found you via a friend. Glad I stopped by. I'll be back, Your last phrase, I needed today. A whisper straight from His heart to mine. Sarah, are you "willing to be goofy and out of place to start the Holy Spirit revival?" I hope and pray the answer is YES, Lord, yes. Whatever it takes, laying it all down, my life as a missionary, going where I never thought you would call me, standing in the pit of hell battling for you, bringing Your kingdom to earth, yes, Lord, please yes.

Learning to hear the heartbeat of heaven,
Sarah Dawn
Just Be Real said…
Well done Robin. There will always be a battle of good and evil. Good will prevail in the end....amen to that!! Blessings dear one.
Andrea said…
Great post! I, too have the priviledge of having many unsaved friends on facebook who ask for my prayer and advice in crisis. GOD uses all things....andrea
much2ponder said…
I love that generation. My four children are in that age group now ranging from 22 to 30. Though at times they can seem extremely self absorbed, mostly they are seeking and looking for answers to the same questions we ask. It wasn't long ago we were that age and felt totally misunderstood, but now that I think about it; I don't feel any more understood today, just perhaps I have conformed a little bit to social expectations. Thank you for making me think. I like that.
Robin said…
Sarah Dawn nice to meet you. I like this: "Learning to hear the heartbeat of heaven."

Just be real, I did leave a post on your blog but it disappeared. Thanks for dropping by. You are right until the day it is all over the battle is on.

Andrea, you are right God uses everything to bring glory to his name.

Much2ponder--I also have four children ranging between 20-30...also I like you don't feel anymore understood today as when I was their age.

Thanks everyone for commenting, it brings joy to read your responses.
sojourner said…
the concert did not have to be Christian in order to perceive God's truth - while i watched my heart swelled with the possibilities and teaching moments - this is what it is like for us to Dance with the Master! thank you for sharing this video :0)
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful message :o) amen!!!

Some Christians become too involved with non-believers at times. We are supposed to minister to them instead of taking part of their worldly habits. Which is why I used to avoid non-believers until I realized that I was missing out on the chance to lead them to the Lord!

Now I have some non-believers on my FB account and I regularly share blog updates about my experience as a Christian. I've seen wondrous results from that I am so blessed that I've changed my perspective just in time!

Thanks for posting this inspiring message :)
Saleslady371 said…
I was about ready to pitch Facebook because I don't know how to access it very well and then I got a friend request from my unsaved neice! Come to think of it, all my FB friends are unsaved. I think the Lord led me to this post tonight. I better get with the program. LOL.
Anonymous said…
Hey Robin,
I LOVE the video! There is no need for you to hesitate posting it all in my opinion. The words I hear are "I've got the beat unstoppable'... and it is wonderful to enjoy the beat together with others in life. I think the video speaks to the playfulness that God gives as a gift to enjoy life abundantly. Darryl Tippens in his book 'Pilgrim Heart: The Way of Jesus in Everyday Life' says "Happy are the playful for the shall be serious acheivers." Playfulness provides balance to life and helps us to not take ourselves quite so seriously. I have a good healthy dose of it daily :). So on Friday lets have a dance together as we chant, I've got the beat unstoppable! Have a wonderful week.
Robin said…
It is funny Deb I hear I've got the faith unstoppable. Thanks everyone for posting.
LisaShaw said…
Mmmm I think the Lord is telling me something here to perhaps reconsider facebook. I'll pray..

Great encouragement. You are a blessing.

I also wanted to tell you I have a giveaway going at my FIT blog if you're interested. Blessings!
Warren Baldwin said…
Robin -

When Christianity is not the "in" thing in a culture, Christians try to fit in. Then, when we do fit in, we realize we are supposed to be different, then we try to figure out to be different without being weird. We need to just follow Christ, don't we? Be his people, when the culture is for or against us. The circumstances don't matter.

But, it does seem like our culture is being much less Christian-friendly. Jesus warned in John 16 that there would be times like this. So, what do we do? Live Christ-like. Yes, it will appear as you said, "goofy" to the world, but we might be surprised at the following we could generate, just like this guy did at the concert. But our following wouldn't be for us, it would be for Christ.

Congratulations on your continued progress toward your educational/ministry goals. And more congratulations on your application for the pastoral ministry license. Please keep me posted! I am applying now for the D.Min. program. wb
Anonymous said…
Love it!
Robin said…
Welcome Faith Imagined and thanks for the comment!

Warren, I have just arrived home from my last class until October. After I write my next three papers, which I am finishing before July 6, the summer will be a time of rest from Academia. I am going to apply within the next month to enter the Masters of Divinity program also. I am going to go slower down that path. Thanks for cheering me on, I will pray as you apply for the D.Min program. I wonder if God will take me that far...When I am 80 perhaps! LOL
Peter Stone said…
Challenging post, Robin. In my youth, the answer would have been yes. These days I have a tendancy to be too reserved. I need to be willing to be 'goofy' for Christ.
Someone may have already said this, but watching this reminds me of David's "undignified worship" before the Lord. If I look like an undignified fool when I'm dancing, let me be a fool for Christ.

Great post.
Warren Baldwin said…
Just checking in to see if you've posted again. You must be busy with those classes. I'd like to read one if you'd care to have some outside input.
Robin said…
Peter, Jennifer, Warren, and all my other friends. Life in ministry, with family, and with my academic responsibilities has left me with no time to come on line over the last few weeks.

I have great adventures to share but no spare time at the moment.

Warren I will contact you and take you up on the offer. Your insights will be helpful--this course is on Pastoral Ethics.

Robin who just returned from seniors adult retreat.

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