Scheduling Time to Write

After my post last night, I have decided to make a conscience effort to write often on my blog, even if it is a short thought.  Warren Baldwin presented a good thought yesterday on why we might not blog often, "We simply do not schedule it in!" This makes sense. 

I am currently working on a course on the Gospel of Matthew, a caution from the professor was to be diligent to schedule time to study and read as not to fall behind in the course.  Within ministry, study, creative habits such as writing, and living life we do need to be aware of our use of time, this has been my journey since January.  Some days I simply sit and forget all of the scheduling, which then leads to being behind! Or not writing or being productive at all, (at times this is healthy.)

Tonight while reading the course notes on Matthew a paragraph stood out which I would like to share: 

“So often when Christians accept Jesus as Savior and Lord they too want to accept him on their own terms.  Today’s equivalent to the hope of defeating the Romans may be assurance of health and wealth.  No, we can not fashion Jesus the Messiah in our own image.  He sets the agenda; not we.  Matthew announces this fact boldly.” 

Honestly this really hit home as I read, how many times do I want wealth or health?  And do I fashion Jesus into what is good for me? 

I visited Warren Baldwin’s blog tonight and he posted on “When Job Suffered” this is worth reading.  What stood out in his post was this thought:

“Suffering knows no favorites. The fact that one is leading a good life and has been so blessed by God is in no way a guarantee that one’s life will continue in such an idyllic state. In fact, having such a good life may well be what invites trouble.”

Why is it we believe life should be easy? 

It was good to write tonight, and I am going to learn how to schedule it into my study thought time. A quote I found on my twitter:  "The real joy of writing comes from surprising oneself." from Alfred Kazin's Journals

I believe this is true!  What I miss the most about writing when I am not writing is the joy that comes from the delight and surprise of what is created on a blank page.  I am constantly surprised.
Love to All,

On the InScribe Blog there is a prayer for writers.


Warren Baldwin said…
Good thoughts, Robin, and thanks for the plug for the Job article.

I experience something you mentioned here: "Some days I simply sit and forget all of the scheduling, which then leads to being behind! Or not writing or being productive at all ..."

I find that writing helps hone my thoughts. Feedback often helps to confirm those thoughts, or even leads to be re-evaluate and change some of them! Blog readers who comment are a great blessing.

I'm starting another academic program this summer, and am in heavy reading right now, and need to begin writing. So, I know I will feel the time crunch even more.

Good post, and thanks again for the mention of the Job article.

Jodi Lee Kozan said…
Like a clean canvas, a writer is free to explore the page with words. It is an artform of the heart for us, heh? Keep it up Robin! ONce a week, once a month- just write as you are led:) It truly blesses others on their journey!
Toyin O. said…
Thanks for sharing that post, when we suffer with Christ,we also reign with him.
Warren Baldwin said…
Greetings. Just checking in to see how you are doing. How is school?

Jessica Dotta said…
Hi Robin, I found your blog as I researched for a blog project. Would you drop a me a line, I think you might be interested in what I'm doing. bookgirl4 [at]


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