Writing on the Run

This year was the first year I have worked almost full time, have a broken foot, and finishing a class, while trying to accomplish Christmas season tasks. Really this has been a journey of learning balance and creative ways to get things done or undone if that is the solution!  I have never baked butter tarts at six in the morning before, and I must say I actually enjoyed the peace and pleasure in creating something wonderfully sweet first thing in the morning. 

During my baking time, I prayed, enjoyed the silence of my home, and felt an urge to write! So here I am, writing on the run (or multi-tasking) between baking tarts and getting ready for work. My home now smells like sugar and butter.

What started this urge was a thought from simple living.  Following the picture below are the ideas I had after musing over the the simple thought.  I would enjoy reading your comments on the picture and quote.

"A home without a grandmother is like an egg without salt." 
Florance King

When I first started to follow Christ, the church I was part of at the time was mainly a body of believers between the ages of 20 to 45.  Often I heard from other women that something was missing, we had no mentors, older women to teach the younger ones the way of wisdom.  My heart cry and prayer during this season was also to find an older woman who would come along side and share her journey.  God answered this heart desire in numerous ways.

Titus 2 has this to say about older women and younger women:  “Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.  Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” 

For us today this passage might seem irrelevant for our culture during the first read through.  However, this passage has great wisdom hidden within the words that are timeless. I could write pages on the truth that is found in this passage of scripture. Two truths: Older women need to be wise in how they lead their life, others are watching, and following.  Younger women need to be encouraged to search their hearts for what matters, and to nurture those whom God has placed in their life. 

Now fourteen years after I asked God to place wise older women in my life, he answered this prayer with abundance.  I am the director for seniors’ ministries in my church, and I now have so many mentors and encouragers on my faith journey.  And I am finding that I am now an older woman who can make a difference in a younger woman’s life. 

If you are an older woman, who could you encourage today or who could you journey along side?

If you are a younger woman, and you have no older women in your life have you asked God to bring an older person into your life? 

Men also need older men to come along side them and to encourage them...men who are your mentors or who are you mentoring?

Oh, for the writers who are reading this, what creative ways are you inspired to write during this Christmas season?  

Love to all…

P.S. The writing urge is huge…there will be more posts to come! And...The butter tarts are amazing. Now I am off to work.


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