

Henri J.M. Nouwen
The question is not to prepare [for ministry] but to live in a state of ongoing preparedness so that, when someone who is drowning in the world comes into your world, you are ready to reach out and help. It may be at four o'clock, six o'clock, or nine o'clock. One time you call it preaching, the next time teaching, then counseling, or later administration. But let them be part of your life in God--that's ministering.

Source: Time Enough to Minister in the journal Leadership (Spring 1982)


Monica Sharman said…
So glad you have been blessed by God's beauty in your travels. And music...

Thank you for this Nouwen quote. Yes, the preparedness is an ongoing state, not just a one-time, isolated-moment deal. Maybe a little like prayer?
Patricia said…
Great quote. Thank you for sharing it.
LisaShaw said…
Hi Robin,

Just touching base to say I said a prayer for you and I hope all is well with you.

I like the quote you shared!

Great quote about being present, available and prepared to minister at all times.

FYI, I just found you and became a follower of your blog. Feel free to visit mine anytime. God bless you!
Dena Dyer said…
Oh, I love Henri! :) Thanks for sharing this one. And I'm glad you've joined the HCB network. I look forward to getting to know you better there.

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