I can do this!

 Picture was taken by the south Saskatchewan River

Over the last six month's numerous task, responsibilities, and request were added to my already full day-timer, which left me longing for a break in routine. Longing to have moments even days to focus only my relationship with God.

Now my balance is completely off and trying to be in the moment is hard to accomplish.  The break is nice, and time to write is relaxing, however I am experiencing out of balance feelings and not knowing if I have the strength to enter another season of ministry.

Why I am writing this today is to say, God has amazing ways of speaking to us when it is hard to get balanced or when life seems to moving to fast. I opened an email today which blessed, encouraged, and inspired me to write this post. The email was from Day Spring writer Holly Gerth. Hope her words inspires you also...

You can do this - I know it
Hey, you. Yep, you. The one feeling a little weary.
Carrying that load. Fighting this battle.

You're amazing, you know that? It's true.

And you can do this with Him. I know it. I feel it. Keep going.

It feels like your strength is small. But it's not. It's BIG.
World changing big.
Make-it-over-that-mountain big.
Big enough to do what you need to do.
Because your strength is as big as the GOD in you.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

He sees you, loves you, will carry you through... and I'm cheering for you too.
- Holley Gerth, DaySpring Writer

Love to all...
It amazing how our God inspired words can encourage others to continue on even when their journey is hard.  Heaven's strength is BIG enough for me to carry on.



Patricia said…
I understand the too busy to think times. And it is true in Christ we can carry on. Enjoyed reading your blog today. Beautiful pictures too.

Robin said…

Thank you for the comment. I took this picture a few weeks ago, today it represented a choice to let go and let God lead me or to let go and just simple forget the whole journey! I believe you know what my choice it...God is BIGGER than all of my burdens. You are an encouragement to me also...robin
sojourner said…
thanks for sharing! hang in there!
Karin said…
Encouraging thoughts! Thanks!
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful gift to receive!! And with Him beside us, we can DO IT!!!
LisaShaw said…
Hi Robin,

I popped in to say Hi and to see how you were doing. I see your message is from the summer so I pray that you are finding that balance in the Lord that you needed to do all that He's purposed. I'm sure He is leading you and that's the best place to be -- in Him.

Blessings and peace to you!

Take care!

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