Stuck was the Theme Word

Picture and Quote from Living Simply

“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us.
That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.”
–Emily Kimbrough

I really did not have time to post today, but felt I needed to share a part of my journey from last week.

Have you noticed that when God wants to bring a revelation and if you are willing to except it, everywhere you go or look there are points along the way to reflect upon as you journey towards having a revolution of changing heart desires. My journey started with the word stuck last week at the grief share class I facilitate every Monday. As I journeyed through the week this word and theme kept coming up to my catch my attention.

I read both the gospels of Mark and Luke, pages from a history text, and a book by Kathleen Norris, titled Acedia & Me. As I read through each of these books, the word “stuck” stood out even more and became even clearer. I would like to share a prayer that came out of last Monday night’s grief share group. I am still pushing into finishing my classes, the stuck feelings I have personally been experiencing are lifting which has been refreshing. Thank you to all who left comments on Saturday to cheer me on this journey.

If you are feeling stuck today, my desire is that you will embrace the comfort and love God is pouring out upon you.

Prayer Father God, the idea of being stuck, is real and touched home on many points. One thing that was clear is that Jesus is the one who heals our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls. Jesus your desire is that we trust you with all of our being even when the grief we are experiencing is overwhelming, we can trust that you know us completely.

Forgive us if we refuse your comfort. Take us we ask, to a place where we can rest in your promises receiving comfort for the healing we need. Help us to grow through the grief we might be experiencing. If we are stuck, not knowing how to get back up from deep places of despair, of not caring, or whatever it is, help us we ask to have a revelation and understanding for the reason we have become stuck. Have mercy Lord, and reveal the root cause. As you reveal the reason lead us into a place that we are able to rest in your comfort, and mercy. Let us grieve in a healthy ways not taking up unhealthy habits. Help us not to become lazy in moving on or staying stuck in despair, but to stand firm in truth doing the work that needs to grow.

Thank you Father for the grace and strength you are pouring out upon us daily. Thank you Jesus for walking along side us through the grieving process we have entered. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to guide us and to show us the way through the darkness and shadows, back into the light of life.

As we journey through the season of loss help us to recognize the goodness and sweet mercies that come into our life daily. Help us to fill our minds with positive words and thoughts. Release into our life creative ways to plant new healthy seeds that bring life and steady growth.

Daily bring to remembrance that we are a child of the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Help us to know our identity in Christ not a false identity in grief. Jesus you are the one who defines us. Thank you for desiring that we will have a personal relationship with you.

Hope is found in Your name Jesus. Amen.

Note: (This prayer was written during a grief share class from the thoughts expressed on the video. I personally gleaned ways of how to raise up out of feeling stuck from this unit, even though I am not grieving a loss of loved one.)



Sorry for this post being long!


Alleluiabelle said…
Dear Friend,

This touched me so deeply and in such a profound way this day. Your words so beautifully written to our Lord...took my breath away.

Would you add my sister Sandi to your prayers? She was recently diagnosed with cancer in her uterus and will be having major surgery done this Thursday. I have left a posting up with regard to that for the past couple of days for others to pray for her and what is to come.

I love you dear friend and I thank you for such a post as this today.

Big Hugs,
Robin said…

I will keep your sister Sandi in my prayers today, I will not be online until late tomorrow, the rest of my day is full and off line I will be! Thank you for stopping by, and I will be stopping over to your place to check out how Ron has been doing. love robin
Andrea said…
HE is my hope and strength!!
Blessings, andrea
Lora said…
Your second paragraph really hit home with me about themes being repeated when (and I love how you put this) "God wants to bring a revelation and if you are willing to accept it..." God has been using a theme with me and unfortunately, I seem to be asking for something else. Sweet confirmation here today.
Blessings to you Robin!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing... most powerful!

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