Thoughts from Philippians 1:3-11

Blogger is losing my words today! It is good to be back into routine, however it was good to get away from the daily demands. I am posting a few points from the sermon I will be giving tomorrow night at a seniors service in my community. The title of my sermon is "Thanksgiving and Prayer"--It is Thanksgiving on Monday here in Canada.

Philippians 1:3-5 Point One:Paul viewed the past with a thankful heart to God.

In this passage, Paul demonstrates how to view the past by having a thankful heart towards God for all that he has been given. He was able to be content because when he looked at the past he did so with a thankful heart. He recognized that in Christ he was able to do all things and the key was to be thankful for God’s direction and the encouragement he received from other believers.

Philippians 1:6-8 Point Two: Paul viewed the present with confidence in what God is doing.

As Paul remembers and thinks about the Christians in Philippi, he was flooded with emotions for them. He longed for them with all of his heart, and he loved them with a love that is found in Christ. Paul had confidence in these believers and confidence that God would continue to lead them no matter what they faced on their journey.

Philippians 1: 9-11
Point Three: Paul’s outlook on the future is prepared with prayer to God for the Philippians.

For each of us to face the future and all that we might experience with the same confidence that these Christians from Philippi had, we too must live each day close to God. Thanking Him daily for all that he has done in our life.

What will your reactions and choices be concerning the circumstances you will experience in life? Will you look at the past with doubt or thanksgiving? Will you look at the present with fearfulness or confidence? Will you look at the future with anxiety or push forward with prayer? Will you rely on your own strength, or will you rely on the strength Christ freely gives as you look to Him? What will be true in your life story?

Father God, guide each person who reads these thoughts to turn to you seeking direction from your Spirit. Direct us into your love and help us Lord to persevere in Christ no matter what we might experience in this life. I pray we will learn to be thankful in all situations as Paul did. Christ in your name there is power to do the will of our Father. Amen.

With Love Robin

Be sure to check out the inspirational writings at Spiritual Sundays. Thanks to Ginger and Charlotte for hosting this site and encouraging us today to seek the Lord.

P.S Snow arrived in Saskatoon this week and the trees where not ready! Amazing that the picture above was taken only seven days before the snow hit Canada.


eyes wide open said…
Charlotte said…
Wonderful thoughts here, Robin. It reminded me of the wonderful Christian friends I had in former churches, many of whom have now gone on to their reward. Reuniting will be so grand. I thank God for all he has done, is doing and will do for me. It seems there is no end to his blessings, and though everything has not been good, I believe the scripture that says that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Regina said…
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

A blessed day.
Saleslady371 said…
Great thoughts about thanksgiving...and snow.
What a wonderful post today for your Thanksgiving weekend. I'm so thankful everyday, and I'm thankful for my Christian friends and family.
God Bless,
RCUBEs said…
Great questions that make us look deeper into the way we would handle our way of walking with the Lord as many bumps are on the pathway we're in, and there are more up ahead. That's a nice pic and thank you for sharing. Snow is beautiful because it reminds me of the way Christ washed away our stains and are now white as snow...God bless you.
Renee said…
These questions are very important today for me as I deal with a health issue that has caused fear to enter my heart and lots of what ifs....Here is the answer to my the choices I make in how I respond to my circumstances... We are never alone are we. God walks with us.

Love the pictures!
Hi Robin,
The snow hasn't come our way yet but it will not be long. I am thankful not just this Thanksgiving weekend but every day, for the grace the Lord allows me to walk in. His grace, His mercy, and His love are like the snow that covers the mess and makes everything look beautiful. There is no end to His love; how blessed we are! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful weekend and a beautiful Sunday. Happy Thanksgiving from one Canadian to another.

A wonderful message. Your community is blessed to have you. We are blessed because you chose to share these thoughts with us. Thank you. Have a wonderful Lord's Day!
Cathy said…
That's a great message to share. Another friend from Canada sent me pictures of the snow today. Happy Thanksgiving!
Mary said…
Robin, your post today on choices is so needed. How we view our circumstances makes all the difference. Turning our hearts to God in thanksgiving changes our lives and our futures. Thanks so much for sharing this...the recipients of your message will be blessed!

Denise said…
Such wonderful thoughts, be blessed.
A lovely read for me this morning. I have that same song on my play list and I love it. SNOW!!! We have not had any yet here in New England but we do have a frost advisory tonight.
SmilingSally said…
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.
Lisa said…
No matter our circumstances, He is always worthy of our praise and thanksgiving! Thank yo for a lovely post!
Marsha said…
Your points touched me. Thank you for sharing your message with us. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Hopefully Autumn will return.
Debbie said…
This really blessed me, thanks so much for sharing it. Happy Thanksgiving to you....Have a wonderful week in Him. Blessings to you, Debbie
Thanks for dropping by yesterday and leaving a comment. It is always good to hear from you. You are doing an excellent job of writing for Spiritual Sundays. Excellent!! It is hard work to be brief but say what you want to say. I assure you that more people will read what you write and be blessed by it when you write like you do. Have a great week.
Robin said…
Wow, thank you everyone for the comments. Blessings to each of you.
Sharlotte said…
Good Morning...
I'm linking late...I'm so sorry, but I wanted to share the message from Sunday.

I enjoyed your post and the points you brought forward. I too think it's so important to look at our blessings and keep our hearts and minds on the Lord.

Here's my link if you'd like to visit for this week:


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