The six "I will" statements from Psalm 118

1. vs 6 "I will not be afraid."

2. vs 7 "I will look in triumph on my enemies."

3. vs 17 "I will not die but live."

4. vs 17 "I will proclaim what the Lord has done."

5. vs 19 "I will enter and give thanks to the Lord."

6. vs 21 "I will give Him thanks."

When a spiritual battle is raging around us, we need to remember who is with us. We need to keep our eyes focused on Christ. God is always with us, he is our helper when conflict and spiritual warfare is upon us. When we are steadfast in our faith, and focused completely on Jesus we will be able to say as the Psalmist has written, "I will..."

In the name of the Lord, we will have victory over our enemies in this world, as we remember to say "I will..."

With Love Robin

Be sure to check out the inspirational writings at Spiritual Sundays. Thanks to Ginger and Charlotte for hosting this site and encouraging us today to seek the Lord.


Warren Baldwin said…
Great message! Wonder how many times I may have read this and was not struck by the power of the 6 "I wills"? I won't glide over them again! Thanks. wb
Andrea said…
AMEN...thank you!
Blessings, andrea
Alleluiabelle said…
My Precious Friend,

I'm still staying afloat in the raging seas right now all because of His Word and my clinging to and trusting in each one of them.

Thank you for such a powerful message. You help my eyes, mind and heart to remain wide open to Him.

I love you Robin.

Peace, Love & Blessings
Robin said…
rcubes--if you come to post I could not post on your blog today. I have been contemplating taking guitar lessons. Thanks for the post.
RCUBEs said…
Beautiful reminder of what we truly have that's in us...we battle with God's weapons not of worldly things so "we will"...

Blessings to you sister and have a great weekend.
These are great scriptures to remember when we need to focus. Thank-you for sharing these today.
Wow!Thanks for reminding us of these Scriptures. Brief, simple but POWERFUL. This is so encouraging. (I love the music playing: "Will You Worship?")
Karen said…
God bless you. Great "to do" list!!
Charlotte said…
Such important "I wills". This is a great Psalm. Thank you for sharing with us.
Saleslady371 said…
I love the way you summarized this. I'm going to read it again!
michelle said…
This is fabulous! Thanks for the reminder! =]
RCUBEs said…
Good thing I came back :) Contemplating? I say, "go sister"...If that's what's eating at your heart, ask the Lord if that's what He wants for you - to learn how to play the guitar. Nothing impossible with Him...God bless.
Cathy said…
A beautiful psalm for such a time as this ~
Ziggy Stardust said…
God bless you

Denise said…
This is so awesome, thank you.
Unknown said…
This must be the message for today, worship, even in the middle of a storm. I love these six verses, I am going to copy them down and write them on cards to encourage me when things go wrong.

Your music is beautiful.

nannykiim said…
It always amazes me how powerful the word of God speaks! Great post.
Susan said…
An interesting take on the "I will's" of God versus the I will's of satan that caused his fall.
Mary said…
God spoke to me through these words today, Robin. Wonderful music, that song. Who is singing?

Thank you. God bless you today...Mary
jeanne said…
Robin, thank you for the 'I will's' reminders. They speak volumes to us.
Cynthia said…
The Psalmist David is as relevant today as he was thousands of years ago. How many people have clung to these 6 "I wills"? And how many yet unborn will also find solace and strength in that Psalm? The Word of God is magnificent isn't it?
Hi Robin,
Thank you for your wonderfully inspirational post. Christ is all we will ever need! I love the music in your background also. Please come by and pay me a visit; I would love to hear from you. I also have an inspirational blog called "Spirit Song" which you may wish to check out.

Robin said…
Wow! Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments. Our God is great! We have victory in Christ when we remember he has all we need.
Love to you all!

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