In Christ

The month of September is extremely full concerning ministry. Tuesday mornings I lead the devotional time over at Caleb Manor (a seniors retirement home.) I have made a commitment to write my own devotionals this next year, which takes hours of study and writing.

There is a Fall BBQ on Saturday, a Fall conference for seniors on September 24, other groups beginning within this ministry, which require numerous meetings. And these are not really what I am called to do! My main ministry is to visit and care for the seniors within my church.

I woke up early today having onerous thoughts rush through my mind that I was not going to make it. Then before these burdensome thoughts of defeat could take root thoughts of who I am in Christ covered the negative. Absolutely amazing!

In Christ I am able.

In Christ I have victory.

In Christ I am free.

In Christ I am connected to heaven.

In Christ I can stand firm.

In Christ my joy is complete.

What I find interesting is how these statements flowed over the negative thoughts before they could cause me to enter an extreme panic attack. With being in God's word daily and prayer I had the power of Christ ready to help me stand firm in truth.

How has scripture helped you to overcome the negative self-talk that comes quickly to bring defeat?

Father thank you for your word that is powerful and able to break all negativity that enters our heart, mind, and soul enabling us to abide in Love. To abide fully in Christ. In Jesus name we have the power to stand free! Amen.

With love Robin

Note: I took the picture above yesterday as my husband and walked through a local civic garden. The beginning of fall is my favorite time of year.


Andrea said…
Praising GOD for HIS beautiful thoughts penetrating your heart and flushing out the negative thoughts.

Blessings and prayers, andrea
rcubes said…
Negatives that could be thrown by the darts of the enemies to stop you from working for the Lord's glory. You need prayer covering as you minister to these precious people. May the Lord protect you and guide you with His wisdom. "Put on His Armor before you venture" [Ephesians 6]...

Beautiful pic. I was eating lunch with a friend and I think it's the same flowers you posted that caught my eyes. I was munching and enjoying His wonderful creation at the same time. Hot still but I'm more warmed by His love.

Blessings to you sister. I enjoy coming here and being soaked with His love that flows through your words.
One Scripture that often comes to mind when I am overcome by worry and fear is this:

"There is no fear in love; but perfect loves casts out fear..." 1 John 4:18

God is love. He drives out my fear.
Excellent. Thanks for posting this. It reminds me of things I need to have on my mind.
sojourner said…
Beautiful picture!

Your points in this post would make a nice series of devotions!

You continue in my prayers and thoughts through your educational journey!

Your almost at the end! Yay!
In Him! In Him! I've been meditating on that from the Gospel of John and from Ephesians.
sojourner said…
Robin, School is a little stressfull because of one class - Research Methods. Against everybody's advice, I took a challenging Professor and I am having to work hard on a subject I do not like. There is an upside: I'm working ahead because of the large number of technical papers I have to write and the heavy reading I have to do; and I love my other two classes (Group Theory and Developing Counseling Skills). Thank you for asking. How are your two classes going?
Anonymous said…
hmmm... fear.... an indication you are going the right direction. I chuckled to myself about your notes of September... yesterday I was taking care of business and looked and saw it was ONLY the

only~ meaning I had done so much in the last ten days, I thought for sure I was closing in to October soon. How quickly we get wrapped up into life's affairs!

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