Overdrive or Simiplicity

“They swarmed around me like bees,
but they died out as quickly as burning thorns;
in the name of the LORD I cut them off.”
Psalm 118:12

Today in our world daily life seems to be on overdrive. I am sure almost everyone who reads this post will totally agree and understand. When I decided to take up Cliff’s invitation to add a short devotional to Spiritual Sundays, I did not consider it would cause me to enter into another spiritual warfare with a swarm of bees. I seem to enter this place often! I know, I am still learning how to say, "No."

Life a few days ago was full, but manageable. However, today numerous pulls of busyness came at me like a swarm of nettlesome bees. What I need to remember is to remain in Christ when the bees of spiritual warfare surround me.

Spending time in God’s word and prayer is a daily commitment I must keep for health and peace. By being constant in my spiritual life and focused on Christ, I am able to still and silence the daily demands that bring arduous thoughts of confusion to my mind and anxious fear to my heart. Simplicity has been a goal this summer and I am learning to enter it, moment by moment.

When overdrive takes rule in my life, my focus needs to be: "Remain in Christ." A promise Jesus spoke forth in John 15:4 that I have claimed: “Remain in me, and I will remain in you.” Also, the writer from Psalm 118 reminds us that in the name of Christ we have the authority to silence all of the bees in this world. When I remain focused on Christ it is easier to say, "No."

What are the bees (demands) in your life that are taking away your focus on Christ and sending you into a life that is on overdrive? Will you choose today simplicity in Christ or overdrive with the bees?

Father, thank you that when I remain in your word, and seek your direction through prayer I am able to silence the anxious feelings and thoughts that swarm around me from the numerous demands in my life. Thank for teaching me to remain in Christ no matter what may come my way in a day. Jesus it is in your name we pray. Amen.

Thank you Cliff and Charlotte
for the invitation to write a spiritual thought for Sunday.


Charlotte said…
Excellent post, Robin. I'm so glad you chose to join us today.
Have a wonderful bee free weekend.
Robin said…
Charlotte, thanks for the encouragement. My desire is to have a bee free weekend, but as usual I have projects that need to be completed. I have announced to my family all requests on my time are on hold until I complete my project at hand. Have a great weekend Charlotte.
Loren said…
It's nice to meet you and so glad Charlotte and Clif have invited you...I can totally see why they did :)
blessings to you and look forward to knowing you better!
RCUBEs said…
Welcome to SS sister Robin! Powerful verse you shared today, especially nowadays that there are just so many distractions all around us. Blessings to you and have a great weekend!
Excellent!Thank you for "making" the time to do this post. This needed message will bless many. There are many who read these posts every weekend who do not leave comments but are blessed. Thank you again. Have a great weekend.
Thank-you for taking the time today for posting this well needed devotional. It seems like we all have way to many bees in our life.
It is so nice to meet you.
Denise said…
Such a wonderful post.
Mary said…
Hi Robin...I have a bee swarm in my own life right now, and so appreciate your post...time to slow down. This was a message for me.

SmilingSally said…
Thank you for your contribution to Spiritual Sunday. Have a happy, relaxing day.
Denise Marie said…
love your post! really appreciate it. I had to pass over all the verses on cutting away of the vine because I wanted a diff direction so I'm thankful for the full spectrum. I find I am learning to say NO to the swarms that mostly come when I am on my game with the Lord and doing what he put me here for. It is a battle to remain in Him no matter what and learn to squash the stingers under our feet. Love and blessings!
Lisa said…
Great post! I know we can all relate to "the swarms"! Thank you for such thoughtful insight!
Unknown said…
A swarm of bees...I have often felt that is the way I feel when I am under attack. Joyce Meyer always says New level, new devil. It is a struggle as we intercede, profess our faith and put Christ first. Yet we hunger even more for Him, when the bees are swarming overhead. Beneath is the Peace of God.

Blessings, Karen
Claudia said…
Simply lovely.

♥ Claudia ♥
Robin said…
Wow, I am overwhelmed with all of the comments. Thank you everyone for the encouraging thoughts. I am writing a paper today, which needs to be sent away tomorrow. I apologize for the brief reply. Blessings to each of you.
Anonymous said…
As a devotional blogger I can tesitfy with you that it demands diligent time alone with God in order to keep the stream fresh. Last October I simplified my life in an extreme way in order to persue the "better thing" that God had asked of me.

I have not regretted a single thing I let go. The treasure I receive from time with Him is beyond worth.

I loved the bee scripture...I had not noticed it in that way

Blessings on you this day
Robin said…
Girlinaglasshouse: While I was on holidays I did homiletics on Psalm 118--it was amazing. I do not believe I took this scripture out of context. As soon as I am able I would like to post more thoughts from Psalm 118. I really saw God's way to overcome spiritual warfare within this Psalm. Cut off all distractions in the name of the Lord...Keep your focus on Christ, and pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Robin said…
Thank you everyone for your encouraging words.
Thanks for dropping by my bog and leaving comments. You asked about how many books I read in a week. It depends on the week. I am retired and I have a lot of time to read but I also get involved in other things. Some days I read an entire book. Other books take two or three days to read. I review books for ten publishers so I have books coming in all the time. I try to stay on a regular schedule of getting the reviews done. On another topic, I want to thank you for writing for Spiritual Sundays and I hope you continue. I noticed that you made comments on your own blog following some comments. My experience is that rarely do people return to the comments sections of blogs once they have left. Therefore, they never see your good comments about their comments. I try to visit and read each of the people who post to S.S. and leave a comment. You may not have time to do this. If you visit somebody's blog and leave a comment they will usually start visiting your blog on a regular basis and your comments will increase. I like comments.LOL Don't you? Have a great day!
sojourner said…

Unfortunately the bees that are taking me away from what my focus needs to be is blogging! I'm going back to my paper now. Thank you very much :0)

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