Prayer thought for Today

Thank you, Lord, for your reminder that during difficulties I most effectively bear witness. From the Company of Prayer

"Take care and be earnestly on your guard not to forget the things which your own eyes have seen, nor let them slip from your memory as long as you live, but teach them to your children, and your children's children. " -- Deuteronomy 4:9

My life over the last few weeks has been full of difficulty. Through the deep waters of struggle and uncertainty, what I have noticed, is how God is using me to touch others with His love and peace.

Over the years, even though I dislike hardship, what I have experienced is God's faithfulness, and closeness during the struggles of life. I have also been aware lately that this is when my witness of what Christ has done for me has been the most evident.

If you are experiencing a hardship in your life, I encourage you to keep your eyes focused on Christ, He will not leave you or forsake you. God is faithful and always with you. And through the craziness of the struggle God will use you when your focus is on Christ to bring hope to others who are trying to make sense through the "why's" of life.

Psalm 32:7 (ESV) You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance.

Jesus thank you for all that you have done on the cross and for the power of your resurrection. You have given to us the same power through Your Holy Spirit.

Many struggle in this world, often alone. Jesus be with those who are broken today, encourage them and give them hope. You are our hiding place and our hope in this world full of hardship.

Thank you for being our deliverer and redeemer. Keep our eyes focused on You and grant to us eyes to see and ears to hear what You are saying to us today. In Your name Jesus I pray. Amen.

"Have you heard the good news?
The risen Christ has come among us;
He is risen from the dead and has brought us new life.
Do not let your hearts be troubled, do not be afraid,
He casts out fear, clams our doubts, dispels our confusion,
He comes with infinite love and compassion,
he is the way the truth, and the life,
He opens a doorway to God’s resurrection world,
and calls us to new life in God’s everlasting love."
By Christine Sine

Love to all who read this...robin


Alleluiabelle said…

I'm glad you're back! I've been off from the computer the last couple of days. I was in need of some much needed rest. Your thoughts and prayers posted here couldn't have come at a better time for me to read, as I have been going through some turbulent waters as well.

I pray your prayer here today along with you. Thank you dear friend for your words of encouragement to me today. I'm so glad that you are back writing here again. Did everything go well with your papers?

Love & Hugs,
Andrea said…
Praying with you....GOD bless! andrea
JoAnn said…
And I agree with you in prayer as well! This was a very good post for me to read today.

I'm glad you're posting again...does this mean that you finished your tasks and papers?

Robin said…
Hi Ladies it is good to be back writing again. However, the disciple on not writing was beneficial.

For the questions concerning my papers I wished I could tell you I accomplished great task, my true story is far from that one!

My family had a crisis take place over the last ten days which put us all in a place of trauma and shock. I can not talk much about our story at the moment but hopefully when the time is right God will show me how to use it to encourage others.

Today is the first day I feel like I can breathe and see some light, thank goodness God taught me how to keep my focus on Him through the difficult stuff of life.

I do have a praise! I am speaking tonight at the seniors banquet and my devotional came together well. Please pray I don't fall on my head or something and my words will be clear touching hearts. Perhaps God will use me even when at the I feel very inadequate.

Thanks for to you all.
Alleluiabelle said…
Hi Robin,

If you get a chance, please stop by my site. I have a surprise waiting there for you.

Annie said…
I have also faced some challenges in the last two weeks. The verse from Psalms really hit home. God has truly been the refuge in the storm. Blessings and Peace during this time.
Robin said…
Annie thank you for your blessings...

Father God be with each person who is experiencing a storm...let them know you are their refuge and hiding place when all is swirling around in chaos. Thank you that you are faithful and care about each of us. In Christ name...Amen.
much2ponder said…
I really like this post. It just happens to be the reminder I needed today and has helped me to change my complacent attitude when it seems I can't see or feel the presence of our Lord. He is with me always and I want to keep my eyes on him.

I love your layout also.
JoAnn said…
Dear Robin, I'm so sorry to hear about your crisis. I'm praying for you and your family in this difficult time. I just read your reply to my question today...I'm sorry for the delay.


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