Holy Spirit filled Blogger's

Three month's ago I watched this video/prophecy from Faytene Kryskow. As I watched/listened my spirit came alive and excited concerning my blogging. I encourage all Christian blogger's to listen to Faytene's message. The message is 10 minutes long (try to listen to the whole message) it is extremely encouraging. I felt in my spirit I needed to share this message.

I just listened to her message again, and I can see how God's Spirit has been working in my life over the last three month's. I do not want to be one of the sleeping virgins Jesus talks about in Matthew 25. I desire to be fully awake to what God is doing in our world.

Jesus wake our spirits up, let us be in tune to what you are doing in the world. Let us all be awake and walking fully alive in our new life in Christ. Amen!

Blessing to all you Holy Spirit filled Blogger's!

And remember the cream is rising to the top!

Oh, one more thing...The new song on my player fits the posts I have read today! It is kinda lame but to the point, and it made me smile!

Love to each of you!


P.S. Blogger won't let me change the font...so this message is bold in many ways!


Saleslady371 said…
Hi, Robin,
This was truly an encouraging message and I'm so glad you posted it for us.

I am having such a good time on your blog! Thank you for stopping by mine and I look forward to getting to know you!

Many blessings to you!
Cynthia said…
Thank you for giving us that video link...now I know why you left the comment on my page that I was a "Holy Spirit Blogger" :)

As she spoke (prophesied) my spirit related fully. I cannot begin to tell you how full of God I am feeling. And He is faithful to show me what He wants me to write about. Not a weeks worth at a time but just one thing every couple of days. I am sure that you are exoeriencing this as well...your posts are insightful and encouraging.

My post on hell today particularily affected me because my husband is a good man who is one of those" condemned already"...only once in all our years of marriage did the topic come up that when we die we might not have the same destiny.To my shame I soft peddled the harsh reality...and he always hopes that his decency and high moral standards will count. But they won't!

Keep faithfully blogging sister and let us encourage each other to rise to the top...spiritually speaking of course!
Robin said…
Mary, I am looking forward to getting to know you also and thank you for your encouraging words.


Yes! I am experiencing the Spirit speaking to my soul. It is daily.

In the past, I have been very passive about speaking forth the gospel message, until the last year. The Holy Spirit is transforming me into an evangelist!

I spoke a message on Thursday that I never thought I would speak on. It is time to get up and do what Christ has commissioned us to do! There are people everywhere who's destiny is eternal separation from God!

My soul has been crying for my children who do not want to except Christ, this truly saddens my heart. God is drawing them, this is my hope. I will pray for your husband to be woken up to the truth.

We do need to encourage each other as God rises us up...this is His story and I believe He is not going to let things go sideways...It is all about HIM.
Robin said…
It was Faytene's message that broke the chains of timidity, setting me free to enter the blog network with a voice. For years I have just been waiting for the right time.
sojourner said…
think you for the "bold" message and blessings to you as well - i'm playing catch up b/c i've been doing final papers and getting ready to study for finals - plus going out of town for a wedding - you've been posting alot so i'll have to return and partake of your video clips - how did your papers turn out?

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