Psalm 8

I truly believe I need to get God's word deep into my soul, memorization is at the top of my list of priorities each day.

Tim Challies over at invited those who view his blog to join in memorizing with him. He writes that his first intention was to have thirty people join him, now he has over 1100. If you let Tim know you are going to memorize he will send you a note of encouragement and on Sundays he sends out a reminder of what the group is memorizing.

With the help of Youtube I can listen to soft music and memorize Psalm 8.


yp said…
I subscribed to this and memorised Psalms 8 too!
Robin said…
yipeng thanks for letting me know we are journeying many have you memorized so far?

Psalm 8, Psalm 139, Romans 12 and 13.

I have bits and pieces of each of these deep within me--my goal is to have them memorized completely.

I almost feel an urgency concerning memorizing. Does anyone else feel this urgency?

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