ESV Study Bible

Okay, this will sound strange to the romantics (who like roses and chocolates) but my husband gave me the ESV Study Bible for Valentine's day. I can hear someone saying, "A Bible for that day?" Well...why not? The Bible is a love gift from God.

I know geeky. It was a heart gift from my husband who knows me well. I am a practical kind of girl who loves God's word. I have really enjoyed this Bible, the bonus is the on-line access. There is a place to write notes, highlight passages, and listen to the passage being read. One thing I do not like is listening to someone read without background music. I found I can put on soft relaxation music as the scriptures are being read.

My young adult children have taken my MP3 player, meaning I am looking to purchase one so I can download verses to memorize. Today is our anniversary and this could be yet another practical gift from the heart! Hint, hint! (Not that my husband reads my blog.) Oh, well good idea. I should buy him one. Not!

If you would like to listen to the on-line version (not the same as the Study Bible) here is the ESV link.

It is amazing to listen to background music on the computer as the Bible is being read. A great way to memorize and connect the mind, body, soul, and spirit to God's heart. For now I will listen at my desk.


MD Brauer, MD said…
Robin, I have been reading the ESV for the last couple of years. It is my preferred version. Have you ever checked out Mark Bertrand's Bible Design site. It is really something. Personally, I am working through the Literary Study Bible, but when I finish with this, The ESV study bible, will be next.
MD Brauer, MD said…
I don't have Mark Bertrand's site memorized, but if you google J. Mark Bertrand you will get his main site and just follow the leads to his Bible design site. It is worth the while.
Robin said…
Hey Marvin thanks for the information on Mark Bertrand's site, I found lots of information on his page.

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