Travel to Desires

Three month’s passed like a dream
surrounded within a haze of no recall
to push my soul into a place of surrender.

Answers to prayers appear as gifts
given from angels to fulfill a promise
when obedience and faith are pursued.

One day to the next, no clear vision emerges
of this new journey, only hope, as anticipation
continues with companions doubt and delight.

“Do not doubt” resonates through my mind,
but doubt stands as a joker to mock joy.

Trust breaks all lies to radiate a clear way,
which draws my soul into a time of quiet

to prepare for another three month’s of travel
within a hazy dream, to long awaited desires.

My prayer is to embrace this time with gratitude…


MD Brauer, MD said…
We learn through time his ways.
Robin said…
Amen. I am diffently on a pilgrimage of some sort! I am just clinging on and trying to embrace all that is taking place.

Thanks for the comment.

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