Unseen Places

Trust takes hold of my soul
totally captivating every part
one step at a time,

into warm waters of love
to hear His whispers
in tranquil dark places.

He has the keys to a hidden abode
that entices me to move towards
unseen places…

going farther into deep darkness

mysteries unravel within caverns
unlocking rusty antique locks
that falsely hold me captive.

Freedom from lies of unredeemed,

to be swept away by His call

escorted into depths unfathomable
within center fires of burning love,
that cover entirely,

causing me to fall, to linger...
to breathe in new life.


Anonymous said…
hey robin.
i love this poem!! it as if my soul is speaking autonomous. we really are at a similar space.
Robin said…
Deb is amazing to me how if we had our way it would have been together through the SF class, however without us doing anything he is accomplishing the same work in each of us.
MD Brauer, MD said…
nice work
Robin said…
Thank you Marvin

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