
my favorite time of year!

Not only has the weather changed so has the season in my spiritual life changed...it is good to be out of winter, but I know it was needed to shape me physically, emotionally, and mentally for what God has for me in the near future. Thank you Jesus that you were with me through some of my darkest days. I do look forward to the warm Spring days ahead, both physically and emotionally.

I feel like these butterflies able to fly free again...thank you Lord for the smile that is back on my face.

I found out today I needed another book for my next class that starts in May, it has been written by the Professor who will be teaching the class on Spiritual Formation, Paul M. Beckingham. The title is: "Walking Towards Hope - Experiencing Grace in a Time of Brokenness." It has me wondering what exactly God might have instore for me...the title fits well concerning what I am going through personally.

Experiencing grace in a time of brokenness...I am ready!


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