PrayerWalk Journal

A flu? A cold? Or just plain sick of dull rainy weather? Perhaps it is a mixture of all three. No walking today, however prayer has been my focus all day. It really is hard to see the world from the perspective of heaven, but God is teaching me to pray about all of the little events that fill my day. A few of the daily concerns brought tears and some did bring forth great delight, thank goodness God wants to hear it all.

Grocery shopping was a main chore today that should have been done yesterday. I went in protest, procrastinating all of the way. When I leave home with this kind of attitude it is a sure sign prayer is needed. It is as if the mood went with me, casting shadows onto others. "Grumpy rude people," was my first thought, usual, God spoke to my heart. "Pray and ask to have a different heart of gratitude and love." I must say, shopping was a lot easier to finish with a smile on my face and peace in my heart, no matter what was going on around me. Prayer and repentance are the answers to a bad heart condition.

God forgive me in blaming others for having bad attitudes, when all along it was my attitude that needed to change. Thank you for pouring down love by Your Spirit upon my dry and grumpy soul. In Christ. Amen.

Finishing this day by praying for the sale of my friend Lani's home, bought joy to my heart as I thought about her and her family. God bless Lani today with lots of joy as she rest and trust in You.


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