Transforming Hearts

Yesterday (June 29) at 9:21 p.m. I became a grandmother to a little chap (6lbs-12oz) who's name is Damian Edward. Life is such a wonderful and amazing gift. Mom and baby had a hard time through delivery, and now my son is recovering from stress, and mom and baby are fine.

My assignment from God as grandma to Damian, is found in Psalm 78:4.

"Telling to the generation to come the praises of Lord, and His strength and His wonderful works He has done."
Two weeks ago, I started a prayer journal for Damian. Through this process what I have learned is: Interceding on the behalf another lines up my heart with an unconditional love that comes only from Jesus.

I found two interesting thoughts for today that moved my heart completely, which I would like to share. The first one made me sob from the depths of my soul (I believe because I am a grandma.) The second one I am in total agreement with, and just finished writing a paper on a similar topic.

Get out the Kleenex before you watch this video, titled 99 Balloons. I pray God will help me to be positive through my own tough stuff, with a grateful heart no matter what the situation.

As for your heart, the post 5 Stipulations: What It Takes to Be a Bible Student, on Fallen and Flawed, by Demain Farnworth (Managing Editor for Joyce Meyer Ministries) is worth reading. What stood out as I read is that life is not about what we do it is all about what Christ has done for us.

I just finished writing a paper on the transformation of Christ likeness in the church. The article on Fallen and Flawed is right on. We can not change ourselves. Change only comes by faith in the work of Christ on the cross, and God's grace given by His Spirit bringing forth transformation of the heart. It does not take place by what we do, but what Christ has done.

When you read God's word are you building up only knowledge, or is it transforming your heart to be more Christ like?

Pax Robin


Beth in NC said…
Congratulations! And how precious that you have a prayer journal for him. That will be a wonderful gift for him some day!
Robin said…
Hey Beth thanks for stopping by.

Yes, some day it might be a wonderful gift, but for right now it is changing my heart.
Andrea said…
Congradulations!! My grandbaby turned 2 yesterday. She is truly the best gift GOD has ever given me. God bless you on this new journey.
Robin said…
Thanks Andrea for the congrats and blessing for this journey.
sojourner said…
Congrats and what a blessing this will me for you and the wee one!
Awesome! Congratulations to you. May God bless you and keep you, and May He hold that sweet baby in the palm of His hand.
LisaShaw said…
Congratulations Robin on your precious grandson. I have two bundles of joy (grand daughters) and they are a great joy.

I too began a prayer journal and a scrap book when they were both born. One is 2 and the other is about to turn 1.

I pray many years of beautiful moments with your family.

**fitness blog is private now. If you'd like to still be on it please email me your email address.

God bless.
Anonymous said…
congrats... blessings to you, your family and especially Damian.
Monica said…
Oh! Wonderful!!!!
Karin said…
Congratulations on your grandbaby! I love the idea of a prayer journal! Wonderful post - a blessing!
Anonymous said…
That is wonderful news Robin!! I just returned from a week with my little grandson ... it was so wonderful! I am grateful for you to experience such joy!
Anonymous said…
I became a grandmother for the first time 5 weeks some ways it is more difficult than becoming a mom because I have all the love and the concern but I am not the one making the decisions on how the baby will be brought up! Ah but it is beautiful indeed!

You write so well and often lead me to such interesting sites and clips.

Thank you for your thought provoking posts!
Robin said…
Hello Girlfriends,

I feel very loved today--thanks for all of the congrats.

Love Robin
Robin said…
Oh, love to all of the other grandmothers...

I do feel encouraged today.
Robin said…
Damian is my first biological grandbaby. However, I am a grandma of choice to Haliey and Teela. I was with Sasha when Teela was born...birth is an amazing event to participate in.
Warren Baldwin said…
Congratulations! This has to be a wonderful experience.

I can tell you are progressing in your theological training - it is hard to not write about new insights or thoughts, isn't it? Good reminder about allowing the Word and Christ to transform us. Having knowledge of the Word without the Spirit's working is like having a garage full of tools and not knowing how to use them.

Good post.
Robin said…
Warren thanks!

As for growing theologically...this month is going to test me in many ways. I am preaching on July 19 and 26...You are right about having a garage full of tools without knowing how to use them...I can not do anything unless the power come from the Holy Spirit. The tools need to be plugged in...LOL

Robin said…
Warren three books I just finished that were amazing and I would recommend: The Gospel Virtues- Jonathan Wilson; Kingdom Ethics--Stassen and Gushee; and Ministerial Ethics--Carter and Trull. All three added new insights to shaping Christ likeness within the church and individually. There is so much to take in and there is still so much transforming that needs to be done within my own soul, spirit, mind and heart...I need to let God do it moment by moment.
Peter Stone said…
Congratulations, Robin, that's simply awesome - a grandson. Love the idea of a prayer journal for him too.

I also really related to this: "When you read God's word are you building up only knowledge, or is it transforming your heart to be more Christ like?" I was studying/writing about this myself just last night.

God bless :)
Anonymous said…
Congratulation! That is wonderful you are writing in a journal for him! You are such a wonderful grandma! I have watched the video many times and everytime I watch it I cry!
Robin said…
Faith I cried every time I watched it too...not just cried I sobbed.

thanks for the congrats.

Peter it is nice to hear from you. I believe I need to post more on what it means for the church to be formed into Christ likeness.

Baby is so cute. I went to his home tonight and held him. wow talk about different expression! He is such a peanut.

Love to all of you.
Carolyn Ward said…
Congratulations Robin on your wonderful news!!!
Congratulations Robin!
Unknown said…
Wow, Robin! Congratulations! I was just thinking of you as I was out cutting the grass. Wondering if you can come for a visit sometime before the 22nd. If not, hopefully sometime in the last half of August!
Peter Stone said…
A grandmother - congratulations! Glad to hear mum and bub are fine.
I like this too, "life is not about what we do it is all about what Christ has done for us." We have a tendancy to get all caught in trying to do things for God rather than resting in Him and doing the works He created for us to do.
God bless :)
JoAnn said…
Dear Robin, Congratulations on your new grandson!! How wonderful!!

And thank you for the scriptural reminder of our duties as grandparents....

Blessings always,

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