Thursday Morning Looking at the Chief

Yesterday was a wonderful day! My sister and I had a full day of enjoying each other. Squamish, is located on the coast, an hours drive from West Vancouver. God has blessed this country with beauty and majesty. My sister thought it would be awesome to climb the chief together, as I write I am looking at the face of the mountain . Now you need to understand the chief draws mountain climbers from all over the world to face her challenges. The sign at the beginning of the walk read: "This is not walk in the park, not recommended for the weak at heart". "No problem," I said to my sister , "I walk all the time I can do it...!" Robin the prairie girl who walks flat paths with no hills, thinks she can tackle the chief. Sheepishly, I confess, I was one of the weak hearted or perhaps weak in the knees is more acuate. I made it a third of the way and knew I was pushing it, there were no reprieves just straight up. It was like being on a stairclimber that was set on the highest incline. My sister and her friend Angie were kind and new I had to give in to the chief. Down we went, no victory of standing on the top for this prairie girl. Going down a mountain was even harder then climbing up. Even though I never reached the top, the view over the ocean was still magnificent and the inside beauty of the forest, full of trees, waterfall, and rocks, was just as interesting.

For the little bit of climbing I did participate in, it made me aware of muscles that have not been used in a while. My knees are sore today, and I now have a idea of how Tamara feels with her right leg. I am very thankful to be here on the coast with my family, God really does give us good gifts.

"Cause me to hear Your loving kindness in the morning, for in You do I trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You." Psalm 143:8

My father in-law was very mellow during our travels yesterday, he was having a hard time with all the new scenery and overwhelming amounts of people at the airport, but I know he will have a wonderful time with His daughter. She was very happy to see him (he started to cry, and will enjoy introducing him to her friends, (he won't remember).

Father God, thank you that you are leading me daily down the path you have chosen, as the psalmist prayed, I too ask cause me to hear your loving kindness each day and to trust You with all of my heart. I too lift my soul to You, and thank you for all of the good gifts You give. Thank you for my family here in Vancouver and my family I left on the Prairies. Draw all of our hearts to You Lord that all of us will know Your great love. It is awesome to me that You have called me to be Your child and have commissioned me to tell of Your great love for all...


p.s. My sister has a new imac with a cool flat screen.

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